Nov 28, 2021
Growing up in a highly pathological family you experienced a deep shaming of the self since you were a very small child. You remember the feeling, so intolerable that came over you when your narcissistic mother stared you down, pinched your tiny arm, screamed in her high pitched nasty voice that you were...
Nov 22, 2021
Individuals who are married to high level narcissists are enduring dreadful stress that is affecting their psychological and physical immune systems. Our immune systems are designed to keep us health and strong on every level.
Married to a high level narcissist you are in a constant state of duress, the fight or flight...
Nov 19, 2021
Intuition is an instantaneous knowing of the truth. It is faster than rational thought. You cannot study or analyze the truth that comes forth from intuition.
Growing up in a narcissistic family and learning how to be yourself. Marrying and partnering with a high level narcissist is demanding and stressful. There is a...
Nov 14, 2021
High level narcissists commit cruel deeds of deceit and exploitation throughout their self absorbed, venal, conniving, exploitive lives. Filled with an extreme sense of entitlement they believe that they are better, smarter, more talented, clever, creative than anyone else.
High level narcissists are condemned to a...
Nov 9, 2021
You can't fall asleep at night; you are anxious, your mind is racing. You listen to your thoughts and wonder when you will get respite. Morning comes and you face exhaustion as if you had been up through the night. Exhaustion has a pain of its own, a feelings of weakness that can seem unending. Finally you face the day...