Jun 24, 2023
The narcissistic personality leads his/her life in psychological delusion. Wearing a series of false self masks, the narcissist convinces so many that he/she is authentic. There are many stories of the extraordinary duress and psychological and emotional pain that are inflicted by them on their spouses, children, partners, ex-spouses.
In current society where highly successful narcissists are feted and rewarded for their worldly accomlishments---raw power, cultural influences---these individuals are not held accountable for the extreme psychological and emotional pain they inflict on others.
The narcissist is without conscience, shame or mercy. He/she wouldn't be foolish enough to outwardly harm another and get caught and have to deal with the circumstances of their dark deeds.
These individuals are unacquainted with their damaged real selves. From the time they were very young, narcissists, especially golden children, glide through life, supremely entitled, believing that they are perfect and others are inferior. They are unfamiliar with the truth. What they think and believe is the only truth. High level narcissists, powerful in the world, they convince those in their inner charmed circles that they are extraordinary, gifted, accomplished and entitled to be treated with extraordinary deference.
Devoted followers of the narcissist willingly surrender their identities and their morality to be a part of this special club.
At a point of awakening, your research and insight, you make the decision to separate from the narcissist. After leaving the narcissist, you are freer to speak and manifest the truth each day with your words, attitudes, actions, creative gifts.
Quoting from my book: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist: "Knowing and speaking the truth about human nature is part of your destiny if you are to evolve as an individual."
With clarity, discernment, strength, stamina and the truth, you are moving forward along the pathway of the authentic, original, creative self.
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