May 18, 2023
Some of our greatest challenges are narcissistic personalities within our families. The first move is to learn to recognize these individuals as narcissistic personality disorders who are not going to change.
When you do the research, you learn to recognize the narcissist within your own family. It is not unusual for other family members to make excuses for their cruel, dismissive and outright abusive behaviors. I have known of family situations where one individual knows the truth about the narcissists in their family and shares this information. Many who go along to get along and put up with their cruel psychopathology, are fearful to assert themselves.
They berate the one person who is holding the truth. If one individual out of thousands knows the truth, it is still the truth. We live in a time of narcissistic delusion.
People are blinded by the burnished image that the narcissist perpetuates, his/her incandescent "charm", all of the unfulfilled promises he/she makes.
I have known of a number of family members who, despite all of the pressure placed on them, severed the relationship with this toxic individual. They were castigated, criticized and thought to be strange by other family members but insisted on their truth.
Put yourself first and keep a distance from the narcissistic family member. In some instances it can be necessary to go very low or no contact with these individuals.
Trust what you know is true. Practice the self care that you deserve. Sleep, rest, spending time with Nature, accessing your unique creativity, appreciating who you are as a valuable unique individual.