Dec 29, 2020
There are large number of children who were "raised" by narcissistic mothers. I used the word "raised" with question because these individuals are incapable of true mothering. Psychoanalyst Alice Miller describes the psychodynamics between he narcissistic mother and her child: "The child...was the narcissistically cathected (chosen) object. What these mothers had once failed to find in their own mothers they were able to find in their children: someone at their disposal who can be used as an echo, who can be controlled, is completely centered, will never desert them, and offers full attention and admiration."
Many adult children of narcissistic mothers continue to play this role of servant and adorer throughout their lives...They grow up knowing only that they survive by being and remaining attached, fused and loyal only to mother.
Some adult children through their own self analysis, psychotherapy, support groups, working with their insights, discover that they deserve to be released from this nightmare of captivity.
They expand the use of their creative gifts. They begin to fledge with practice like a young eagle flying from branch to branch. At some point they move through the air of each day with great skill and purpose and the full activation of their authentic selves.
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