Sep 20, 2021
In a culture rife with hyper-narcissism, the high level narcissist stands out as an individual who gets away with multiple forms of narcissistic abuse visited by spouses, ex-spouses, children, business associate.
The false selves of the narcissist are gifted at presenting themselves in the most irresistible way. They are charming, charismatic, tuned in to you.
Quoting from my book: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist:
"The narcissist believes in an intricate world of his making, dominated by inflated illusions of self-importance. His style is grandiose---like some peacock or wild turkey with feathers in full display. His version of reality bears no resemblance to the truth."
Your ticket and pathway through the thickets of being victimized by the high level narcissist is based on your deep research, clear discernment, perseverance and psychological grounding.
Pay close attention to how the high level narcissist reveals himself/herself when the facade slips.
The false self persona slips and you behold the primitive shadow of this individual.
When you observe the truth about your narcissistic spouse, partner or parents, you can have confidence in your findings. Also your intuition leads the way in discerning the truth about the nature of the high level narcissist.
You are moving forward at your own pace; the wind is at your back. You are independent, grounded and creative. Remember to practice self care each day: rest/sleep, good nutrition, fine hydration, movement and exercise, spending time with Nature, a spiritual practice as you define it.