Feb 19, 2022
High level narcissists are extraordinarily greedy. Gree is an extreme desire and pursuit to obtain more than what one needs, especially with regard to material possessions and wealth. They are never satisfied with what they have and are very competitive with other narcissists. They always must be at the very pinnacle, the top of the mountain, the person who takes home all of the marbles. In our current narcissistic society narcissistic greed has become very acceptable to many people. In face there are many individuals who look up to narcissists who continue to acquire more wealth that they don't need and probably not use. High level narcissists surround themselves with a charmed circle of people who provide him/her withunending narcissistic supplies: praise, adoration, continuos kudos, even worship. These individuals are obsessively loyal to the narcissist as long as they can fuse with his grandiosity, extreme self entitlement in their delusional world.
Deep inside, the high level narcissist experiences himself/herself as psyhologically empty. Thees powerful feelings are unconscious to the the narcissist. The high level projects vituperative feelings of self loathing on to others, particularly spouses, ex-spouses, children and siblings.
Raised as a false grnadiose self, the high level narcissist is an empty shell, shallow and disingenuous.
Unconsciously feeling emotionally empty and unworthwhile, the narcissist is psychologically hungry for the narcissistic supplies that he voraciously needs.This includes finding individuals who will adores and mirror him perfectly. Narcissists are not inclined to change. This is a fixed personality disorder.
There comes a time of insight and awakening when you are keenly aware of the true nature of the high level narcissistic personality. You move forward, putting yourself first. Practice self care each day: rest and sleep that you need and deserve, nourishing food and good hydration, a form of meditation that works for you, engaging your creativity, finding your special state of solitude, movement and exercise the way that works for you.
My book: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist is now in print at Amazon. Click the link below to view my new book.